Country Gardens Nursery (CGN) boasts one of the most complete above ground inventories on Long Island. Our nursery yard provides an ample selection of landscape sized ready trees, shrubs, perennials, & grasses that are most suitable for our local climate. Our aim focuses on supplying landscape solutions for the award winning landscape design & build firms that service the Long Island clientele. Country Gardens Nursery is wholesale to the green industry trades only. Our customer’s may bring in their clients ONLY when accompanied by a green industry professional.

Green Goods Country Gardens is a full service green goods supplier to all landscape trades. We specialize in coastal & deer resistant, but we cater to a wide assortment of green industry professionals. If it’s a hardy plant that survives in our zone we’re sure to have it at our fingertips, and we can even supply many annuals & tropicals by request. Hard Goods We stock the basics to cover your needs at time of planting and have access to a world of products per your request. You can be sure to find peat moss, shredded mulch, cedar mulch, starter fertilizer and other plant health care supplements fully stocked for your planting convenience. We also stock and sell burlap, sisal, and a variety of light duty truck covers to protect your plants during transit.

Tagging CGN permits tagging in the sales yard at any time and we encourage our customers to tag their own materials. Trees tagged in the sales yard will be held for a 72 hour time period with deposit. Tagging in the field is permitted as well with a pre-visit reservation only. Direct Bulk Shipment & Nursery Brokerage CGN purchases from the most reputable growers across the U.S. CGN offers direct shipment discounts on bulk orders throughout the shipping season. Contact the sales office to learn more about direct shipment opportunities for your business. Direct to Site Shipping Shipping services are offered by Country Gardens Nursery as needed throughout the season. Depending on the size of the load and types of materials required, CGN will provide the most economical freight solution using our own professional licensed drivers and fleet of trucks. Offloading will often require a fork lift/skid steer or other mechanically sound method for safely handling trees and materials. Customers are required to provide their own equipment to off load our trucks – no exceptions. Customers are welcome to set up their own freight services as well. All outside 3rd party carriers must call the office to set up a time for trailer drop, loading, and pick up. Contract Growing CGN would love to hear more about your opportunity to contract grow for your needs. We have experience as contract growers for long term projects that have endured over 9 seasons as well as short term growing for quick turnaround projects scheduled in just a few months.

Wholesale Spring Hours
Monday through Friday: 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturdays: 7 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Sunday: Closed
Summer Hours
Monday through Friday: 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Fall Hours
Monday through Friday 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday: 7 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Sunday: Closed
Winter Hours
Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: Closed